This celebration originated in Medieval times (1247) and has been held in Algemesí on the 7th and 8th September to great popular acclaim since then. The traditional ritual acts of the event have been passed from generation to generation and are rich in: oral expression (theatre), music (63 compositions), dance and performances reminiscent of the Roman, Christian, Moorish and Jewish cultures which have woven the very fabric of this land and which are manifest in the creation of the musical instruments, melodies and costumes that are an integral part of this Festivity. The music of the traditional dolçaina and tabal, and the pieces for orchestra and timpani that provide musical accompaniment for the “Muixeranga” human towers and the dance performances of the “bastonets”, “pastoretes”, “carxofa”, “arquets”, “llauradores” and “tornejants”, recreate and stimulate a collective memory, transmitting universal messages of highly artistic visual and aural sentiments.


for the entire family

Algemesí, Valencia

962 01 90 00